Find a hearing aid that is suitable for you
This ultra small style is inserted farther into the ear canal than other styles, so it's completely invisible when worn. IIC hearing aids are designed to be removed daily to promote good ear health. For mild to moderate hearing loss.
This ultra small style is inserted farther into the ear canal than other styles, so it's completely invisible when worn. IIC hearing aids are designed to be removed daily to promote good ear health. For mild to moderate hearing loss.
This hearing instruments are also custom made to fit inside the ear canal. Only the tip of a small plastic "handle" shows outside the canal, which is used to insert and remove the device. For mild to moderate hearing loss.
In The Canal hearing aids are made to fit in the ear canal with a small portion of the device showing in the outer ear. For mild to severe hearing loss.
This hearing aids are also designed to fit within the outer portion of the ear. For mild to severe hearing loss.
Receiver-in-canal RIC, or Receiver in the ear (RITE) hearing aids are worn behind the ear and come with tiny housings. As their receiver sits directly in the ear canal. The so-called mini receivers come in different sizes for different levels of amplification. RICs can be quickly and easily adjusted and provide a high degree of wearing comfort, discretion, and appropriate amplification.

Behind The Ear hearing aid technology is housed in a casing that rests behind the ear. A clear plastic acoustical tube directs amplified sound into an earbud or a customized earmold thats is fitted inside the ear canal. For moderate to severe hearing loss.